Our services

Resource assessment

Geological, geochemical (rocks, gases and water samples), and geophysical data collection, analysis and interpretation. Review of literature and of previous Studies (if any) of the geothermal resource basin and its technical characteristics; technical due diligence to evaluate the reliability of collected information; data analysis for estimation of reservoir size, temperature, pressure, permeability, presence and amount of non-condensible gases in the fluid, scaling and acidity; related risks evaluation; definition of the Exploration Program, Definitive Work plan and complementary studies; Drilling Site Selection.

Drilling supervising

Issuing of technical specifications for Drilling Operation providing advice for the proper drilling methodology (mud and cementation program, safety measures); full time on-site supervision of drilling procedures, safety protocols, data collection; definition of proposed well testing methods; assessment of drilling based upon the chemical and physical characteristics of the produced fluid; interpretation, review and reporting of results.

Feasibility Studies

Choice of the best technology for the geothermal power station to maximize the energy exploitation and minimize risk costs; multiple scenario analysis taking into account expected availability of geothermal resource, load factors, capex, opex and financing costs; profitability evaluation of the geothermal electricity and direct heat use investment.

Engineering & Construction

Environmental Impact Assessment; Heat and Mass Balances; Plant LayOut; Gathering and Reinjection Design; definitive Power Plant Design; issuing of Technical Specifications for Plant EPC or for Equipments and Components Supply; Procurement Plan; Assistance, Supervising and/or Management during Execution and Construction; Quality Control Plan inspection; Expediting; Technical Support during the Project Test and Commissioning.

Operation & Maintenance Strategies

Ongoing capex evaluation; opex mitigation strategies; Audit and Due Dilegence on existing Plants; issuing of Technical Specifications for Maintenance or Operation Services.